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format_list_bulleted_add Personalized Bucketlists
Customize and manage your bucket lists with our easy-to-use form, adding titles, stories, budget and more to each goal.
edit_note Detailed Planning
Mark completion status, planned and finished dates, budgets, and even categories for each activity or destination.
favorite_border Saved Activities
Keep track of all your desired activities and places to visit right within the app.
cloud_sync Weather Functionaltiy
You'll never book your vacation at the wrong time of year, again! TravelTracker lets you compare weather from the previous year so you can plan around your ideal temperatures.
Dream Big
Use our intuitive form to create and customize your bucket list goals. Dream as big as you want, from exploring the Grand Canyon to witnessing the Northern Lights; the sky's the limit!
Add to Your List
Plan your trips in detail, adding planned dates, budgets, and activities. Use the map feature to discover monuments and destinations and save all your must-do activities within the app.
Travel & Enjoy
With your dream trips planned and organized, all that's left is to pack your bags and head out. Enjoy your adventures, knowing that TravelTracker is with you every step of the way!